The fish hotel

By Nicholas Heather One time, me and the kids had a fish hotel. It was my idea. My original idea. For some reason we’d acquired a 20-gallon fish tank. Of course, the kids wanted to get fish. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, you guys,” I said, as we were discussing what I was … Read more

NATO finds gaping holes in Europe’s defence

The war in Ukraine and the looming U.S. presidential election dominated a NATO summit in Washington this month but, away from the public stage, the alliance’s military planners have been focused on assessing the enormous cost of fixing Europe‘s creaking defences. NATO leaders agreed plans last year for the biggest overhaul in three decades of … Read more

From “Our Rape Blog”: Shooting the Moon

From “The Red Tree” by Shaun Tan Originally published on Our Rape Blog, the author’s account of the aftermath of a violent sexual assault. By Mary Fraughton Have you ever played Hearts? It’s a card game. For our purposes, the important part is this: Every card in the heart suit is worth points, and (just like … Read more

Fort McMurray: Shopping time!

By Brady Tighe We’re now officially in the aftermath phase of the northern Alberta wildfire crisis. The fire is long gone, and everyone with a home to return to is back in its cozy confines. The money has been raised, the relief cheques have been sent out, the insurance claims are in, the liquor stores are operational, and … Read more

Scientists discover that Komodo dragons have iron-coated teeth REPTILES

With their large size, venomous bite and the fantastical connotations of their name, Komodo dragons seem like the stuff of legend. Now, that status has been elevated further: scientists have discovered that their teeth are coated with an iron layer that helps keep the razor-sharp edges. It’s the first time such a layer has been … Read more

Healthcare stakeholders are mostly optimistic about HTI-2

Healthcare leaders have begun to digest the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s recently proposed HTI-2 interoperability rule, and many have offered their reaction to its various components. While most see the proposed rule as a conduit for improving health information exchange between providers, public health agencies and payers through standards-based APIs, others … Read more

Providence developing AI tools designed to reduce clinician burnout

By now, everyone in healthcare is well aware of the problem of clinician burnout – and its consequences, which aggravate the staffing shortage crisis. Health IT leaders at hospitals and health systems already have begun experimenting with artificial intelligence – experiencing a great boom in healthcare – to try to reduce the clinician burnout problem. … Read more

Industry groups call out environmental groups for continued attacks

CATTLE Australia and the National Farmers’ Federation have come out against a growing list of environmental groups that have campaigned against the beef industry. The latest has been the Australian Conservation Foundation, which today published a report labeling the food system as nature’s failure. It followed a report last week, which is covered in this … Read more