Forest essential self-treatment in animal kingdom

If you have seen a dog or cat eating grass in a garden or parrots eating clay, then you have witnessed wildlife self-medication and the healing power of Nature. A few months ago, photographs of a wounded orangutan in Indonesia chomping on the leaves of some Southeast Asian plant and then applying the plant juice … Read more

Manish Tewari | Can talks, joint action take Pakistan in right direction?

The recent terror attacks in Jammu have once again focussed attention on the fraught nature of the Indo-Pakistan relationship that is weighed down by the corrosive legacy of Partition and four wars, namely 1947, 1965, 1971 and 1999, respectively. Cross-border terrorism sponsored by Pakistan since the late 1970s, first in Punjab, then Jammu and Kashmir … Read more

Why school exclusions are at record levels

Getty Images Experts say behaviour problems are often “masking an underlying unmet need” Figures released last week showed the highest yearly numbers of suspensions and exclusions of school pupils in England. Is worsening behaviour really the only explanation? Sara, not her real name, says she first noticed her son’s irritability and difficulty socialising while at … Read more

Pat Barker and Benjamin Myers in conversation: ‘I’m absolutely intolerable when I’m not writing’ | Pat Barker

Benjamin Myers first came across the Booker prize-winning author Pat Barker when he was seven or eight and, though he didn’t read her till much later, she made an impression, even then. “I was on holiday with my parents and found a copy of Union Street, Pat’s first novel,” he recalls. “I asked my mum … Read more

Maeve Boothby-O’Neill’s harrowing case highlights clashing NHS narratives on ME | Alastair Miller

The tragic case of Maeve Boothby-O’Neill, being widely reported from the inquest in Exeter, generates more questions than answers about the management of patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Having been involved in the diagnosis and management of this condition since the mid 1980s, I know of no other disease that provokes … Read more