Turbulence in the clouds promotes the growth of raindrops

Scientists have for decades tried to learn more about the complex and mysterious chain of events by which tiny droplets in clouds grow large enough to begin falling toward the ground. A better understanding of this process, known as the “rain formation block,” is essential to improving weather and climate computer model simulations and ultimately … Read more

AI’s ability to see and hear patients holds huge promise

Artificial intelligence is fast proliferating across healthcare, with various applications large and small finding their way into workflows industry-wide. Whether it’s helping clinicians during telemedicine visits, transcribing entire conversations between doctors and patients, writing notes for nurses in response to patient portal questions, helping patients triage their problems via chatbots, or any number of other … Read more

Firefighters try to save Jasper as fast-moving wildfire hits Canadian resort town | Canada

A fast-moving wildfire has hit the resort town of Jasper, in the Canadian Rockies’ largest national park, causing significant damage and forcing thousands of residents and tourists to flee. Jasper national park officials said the fire entered the southern edge of the town on Wednesday evening and crews were battling multiple structural fires and working … Read more

Keir Starmer, please – scrap the distasteful weekly brawl that is PMQs | Simon Jenkins

Boring. That was the universal response to Wednesday’s first prime minister’s questions of the new parliament. Where was the screaming, yelling, insulting and air punching? This is supposed to be Strictly Come Politicking. Get off stage, the two of you. Zero points. The Telegraph condemned the new PMQs as a “love-in”. The prime minister was … Read more

Harm from problem gambling in UK may be eight times higher than thought, research finds | Gambling

The scale of harm done by gambling in Britain could be as much as eight times higher than previously thought, according to the largest ever survey into the impact of the industry. An estimated 2.5% of British adults have struggled with “problem gambling”, according to new research. This would equate to 1.3 million people, though … Read more