An eco-friendly and cost-effective soil remediation method has been developed

Rice University chemist James Tour has led a research team to develop a rapid electrothermal mineralization (REM) process that, in seconds, can remediate the buildup of synthetic chemicals that can contaminate soil and the environment. The study was published in Nature Communications on July 20. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), or persistent and bioaccumulative pollutants … Read more

Remote patient monitoring reduces blood pressure for patients in New York State

Hypertension, the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, affects 1.39 billion adults worldwide and has a 46% uncontrolled rate. That poses a substantial burden for hospitals and health systems – and necessitates a paradigm shift in management strategies, clinicians say.  THE PROBLEM Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to recurrent heart attacks, strokes, heart failure, chronic … Read more

A guide to World of Warcraft’s biggest update

Warbands home screen WoW

The biggest change is how World of Warcraft players manage multiple characters aired live this week. Say goodbye to your awkward list of toons scattered across servers you can hardly remember to join and say hello to Warbands. All your characters are now a unified team of heroes – Alliance and Horde – ready for … Read more

Tech leader attempts to work MAGIC with AI incubator and research collaborative

Humberto Farias has been watching the explosion of generative AI very closely. Farias is cofounder and chairman of Concepta Technologies, a technology company specializing in software development and programming in the areas of mobile, web, digital transformation and artificial intelligence. For example, he noticed that Apple is putting generative AI at the very center of … Read more

Should all pharmacies have an LAIB clinic?


For patients undergoing opioid dependence treatment (ODT), long-acting injectable buprenorphine (LAIB) can be a life-changing therapeutic option. Since 2020, demand for LAIB has grown steadily, replacing older ODT therapies such as methadone, said John Jones MPS, who administers LAIB at his Shortland, NSW pharmacy. ‘The National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistics Annual Data Collection indicates that there … Read more