The care-label queen: how Andrea Cheong will stop you buying bad clothes | Sustainable fashion

Andrea Cheong wants to turn your clothes inside out. Or rather, she wants you to do it. The 32-year-old self-styled “fashion educator” from north London is a reformed fashion influencer. She now reviews clothes for her 248,000 TikTok and 152,000 Instagram followers, analysing clothing, accessories and shoes with an unsparing eye for cost, quality, construction … Read more

‘I am so happy to see them!’: fan mussels are back in Europe’s waters – but can scientists keep them alive? | Shellfish

I swim and I stare as my shadow causes panic on the seabed below. Shells snap shut, one, two, three. Alive, alive, alive. I am so happy to see them: noble pen shells, all improbably but indisputably alive. These giant Mediterranean clams are a species on the verge of extinction, with so few left that … Read more

Premier League 2024-25 preview No 19: West Ham | West Ham United

Guardian writers’ predicted position: 9th (NB: this is not necessarily Michael Butler’s prediction but the average of our writers’ tips) Last season’s position: 9th Prospects Perhaps no team in the Premier League has undergone a bigger overhaul than West Ham, both in terms of personnel, playing style and ambition. The David Moyes in/out saga finally … Read more