A-levels are far from perfect, but in the exam hall every pupil – rich or poor – is equally afraid | Martha Gill

‘You may turn over your papers now.” For how many of us, decades after A-levels, does that phrase still cause a ripple of nerves in the stomach? Along with a large portion of the population, I have a recurring A-level anxiety dream: mine involves organic chemistry and a stack of unopened ring-binders. It’s a cliche, of course, … Read more

If Google’s monopoly is broken, it will be good for consumers – and the company too | John Naughton

Earlier this month, a district court in Washington DC handed down a judgment in an antitrust case that has shaken up the tech industry. In a 286-page opinion, Judge Amit Mehta announced his conclusion. “After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, … Read more

The dark side of the ‘summer of a lifetime’: young Britons exploited in jobs at Mediterranean party resorts | Working holidays

The experience is sold as the “summer of a lifetime”: a chance to party in the sun while getting paid. And each year, thousands of Brits take up seasonal jobs abroad, tempted by beaches, nightclubs, boats and booze. But young people booking working holidays in the Mediterranean are being misled into working illegally – and … Read more