Renewed calls for UK industrial strategy to bring in investment and fix Brexit damage | Manufacturing sector

UK manufacturers have renewed calls on the government to urgently draft an industrial strategy that will bring in investment and fix the “terrible” damage caused by the Brexit deal. The trade body Make UK is reiterating its demands for Labour to come up with a joined-up industrial vision, or else risk losing billions of pounds … Read more

‘As long as we’re here, it’s ours’: the island fishing community on the frontline of South China Sea tensions | South China Sea

From the sandy beaches of Thitu Island, blue waters stretch for as far as the eye can see. It feels like a tranquil paradise: there’s no noisy road traffic, air pollution or crowds. But Thitu is not a luxury retreat, it’s a tiny island in the remote Spratly chain and one of the world’s most … Read more

The children who are suffering the most

Glody Murhabazi All of Nzigire Kanigo’s children have contracted mpox, including two-year-old Ansima With mpox being declared a public health emergency of international concern by the World Health Organization because of its rapid spread, all eyes have been on the Democratic Republic of Congo, which accounts for nearly all of this year’s recorded cases and … Read more