‘There is nothing to replace coca’: Colombia’s struggling farmers tempted by illegal crops | Global development

Before setting up his plantation, José Gregorio Rojas, 69, worked for eight years as a “chemist” in the production of coca paste, an extract of the coca leaf that can be processed into street cocaine. His life was supposed to change for the better when he stopped growing coca plants and joined the National Illicit … Read more

Ryan and Righ want to get married in Taiwan – they can’t because of China’s same-sex marriage ban | Taiwan

Ryan and Righ like to compare their relationship to a Shakespearean drama. The two met when Righ, originally from China, visited Ryan’s Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung in 2016. A brief conversation next to the city’s “Love River” soon developed into a romance that defied the long-running cross-strait tensions between their homes. Although Righ returned to … Read more

‘Starmer’s tax alert’ and Oasis ‘wait is over’

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer’s address from the rose garden at Downing Street, where he said October’s budget would be “painful” and that a £22bn “black hole” in public finances needed to be plugged, is leading many of Wednesday’s front pages. “Starmer’s tax alert for middle England” is the Daily Telegraph’s main headline. According to … Read more