Mumbai: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday tendered an apology to Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and the people of Maharashtra for the collapse of the 35-foot statue of the Maratha warrior on August 26, eight months after it was inaugurated, in Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra. The incident has turned into a major political issue ahead of the state Assembly elections with the opposition alleging corruption in the contract given to build the statue. The PM said that Shivaji Maharaj is not just a king, but he is “aradhya dev” whom “we worship and draw inspiration from”.
The PM laid the foundation stone of the Vadhvan Port project worth around Rs 76,000 crore in Palghar. Addressing the gathering at Palghar after launching the Rs 76,000 crore Vadhvan Port project, Mr. Modi said, “In 2013 when my party declared me as the PM candidate, the first thing I did was to visit Raigad Fort. I bowed in reverence before Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.”
Without naming Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, who has made disparaging remarks against Hindutva ideologue V.D. Savarkar, Mr. Modi said that the people of Maharashtra should remain wary of those who disrespect Veer Savarkar and feel no remorse for it.
Mr. Modi arrived in Mumbai, where he addressed the Global Fintech Fest (GFF) at the Jio Convention Center, before going to Palghar for launching the port project. Vadhvan Port will be India’s largest deep-water port.
“The state has the potential and resources to grow due to its coastal proximity, holding immense possibilities for the future. The Vadhvan Port will be the country’s largest container port and will be counted among the world’s deep water ports. It will become an epicenter of trade and industrial development for Maharashtra and country,” Mr. Modi said.
Cautioning about the dangers of a parallel economy for the world, the PM remarked that Fintech has played an impactful role in denting such a system and credited the emergence of transparency. He underlined that the trinity of Jan Dhan, Aadhaar and Mobile have broken down the mentality of ‘Cash is King’ and made way for approximately half of the digital transactions in the world taking place in India. He expressed confidence that India’s Fintech ecosystem will play a huge role in providing a quality lifestyle to the people of India.