Starting university? Here’s the ultimate guide on what to take – by students themselves | Life and style

If you’re about to head off to university for your first year, you might be forgiven for taking everything you’ve ever owned – along with the kitchen sink. But that would be a mistake, according to students who’ve been at university a year or two. The Guardian’s journalism is independent. We will earn a commission … Read more

If only other cancer patients could wish it all away, just like heroic Elle Macpherson | Catherine Bennett

Elle Macpherson’s gratitude journal must have written itself last week. Most days, any leader in the wellness industry is right to feel gratitude for the gigantic profits to be made seemingly out of human gullibility: the welcome for her latest venture suggests that the market for experimental self-care may have been wildly underestimated. Since the … Read more

Pride or shame? British history is too complex to be seen in such glib terms | Kenan Malik

‘Britain’s long and proud history has been trashed by the self-hating left.” “British history is not being taught and people are hugely ignorant of our past.” “We have lost that sense of what was at stake, with a consequent decline of pride in the sacrifices endured.” “Generations are growing up hearing nothing but bad things … Read more

Grenfell survivors furious over David Cameron’s claim that inquiry backed him over red-tape drive | Grenfell Tower inquiry

David Cameron has provoked a wave of indignation from Grenfell fire survivors and housing campaigners after claiming that the inquiry agreed with him that fire regulations had not been part of his government’s “red tape drive” to cut regulations. But campaigners said the former prime minister’s words were “bollocks” and “total bullshit”, since the inquiry … Read more

Giovanni’s, London: ‘Exactly what you want it to be’ – restaurant review | Food

Giovanni’s, 10 Goodwin’s Court, London WC2N 4LL ( Starters £13-£22.50; pasta £19–£27; mains £24–£36; dessert £8.50–£11.50; wine from £38 a bottle Restaurants rarely make old bones. It’s too precarious a business for that, too hand-to-kitchen-to-diner’s-mouth. The issue is usually generational. Survival for 40 years may be manageable because it’s within the lifespan of the founders. … Read more

Tyranny and lies: welcome to the new moral order | Vladimir Putin

Simon Tisdall hits the mark in his analysis of our contemporary “villains” but I fear he is over-generous (“In an unheroic age, Putin, Trump and Netanyahu are sick parodies of great men”). For these men are tyrants and their impact goes beyond their murderous actions, crimes against humanity and “undermining of universal values”. Perhaps their … Read more