Learning how to pass a drug screen with drug metabolites in your body is easy, but most people don’t believe that’s the case, or take bad advice on how to achieve it.
I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to do just that. I’ll tell you how to pass a drug test in 24 hours – at short notice.
I’ll tell you how to pass a mouth swab test in 12 hours, in fact with just 15 minutes notice. It can be done.
I’ll give you the exact methods you need, explain the problems around drug metabolites and detection times, and tell you the exact products you need to protect yourself.
>>>>> Click Here To Buy The Best Detox Products <<<<<
Is It Actually Possible To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hours?
The question we have to answer is simple. Is it actually reality that you can learn how to pass a drug test in 24 hours by removing all traces of drugs from your system?
The answer is pretty much ‘No’. So learning how to pass a drug test on short notice is about different strategies mostly. Don’t worry, I’ll cover them all in a moment.
The same goes for all types of drug test, including wondering about mouth swab testing in as little as 12 hours. Don’t get hung up on the number of hours or short duration of the notice, focus on what’s possible to achieve.
Can You Pass A Mouth Swab Test In 12 Hours?
When you are asking about passing a mouth swab test in as little as half a day, you are really asking can you get completely clean.
Although drug metabolites don’t hang around in oral fluids very long, usually 24 hours or less, they can hang around for a day or so longer if you have taken high doses, or have particularly unusual circumstances.
Again, don’t worry about timings here, worry more about how you can beat the drug test.
Drug Metabolites In The Body (Clue: Don’t Worry About Them)
I would really advise you not to get caught up on average drug detection times. The word ‘average’ is the big clue.
Are you average? Is what you have consumed average, and over an average time? You have no idea.
These are the ‘average’ detection times you’ll routinely be told about:
- Cocaine up to 3 days
- Marijuana up to 30 days (typically five)
- Amphetamines up to 3 days
- Opiates up to 4 days
- MDMA up to 4 days
- PCP up to 3 days
- Benzos up to 7 days (more typically three)
But what does any of that mean? Benzos are usually gone in three days, but what about if they are slow release benzos? What about your dosing?
Cocaine is up to 3 days, but can also vanish in 24 hours, especially from saliva and often urine as well. If you have hammered six lines per day in the past three days though, and you have no idea about the purity, then argue going to be clean or not in an ‘average’ time?
My advice is simple. Ignore drug detection times. If you have taken drugs in the past few days, let’s say seven days, then you could fail a drug test and should prepare to game the system to avoid detection.
What About Marijuana In Your System?
To highlight the point I just made, marijuana in your system is even more of a lottery.
Marijuana metabolites are shaped differently to other drug metabolites and can cling to fat cells in the body, which is the exact reason why the majority of cannabis metabolites actually exit through the bowel.
Because of this characteristic, it means a non-linear removal of toxins from the body. If you smoke regularly, these toxins build up and detach irregularly.
In one study a few years back that I read, regular cannabis smokers who stopped smoking were still sporadically having cannabis metabolites detected in their urine up to 3 months later, while other similar smokers were clean in a couple of weeks.
So again, ignore average detection times and focus on hiding the fact you have used the drug at all.
There Are No Shortcuts – Avoid Home Remedies Like The Certo Detox
Another shortcut and problem is people believe others telling them that home remedies can work. A home remedy is simply something you can buy that is nonspecialist which is alleged to mask or remove drug metabolites.
So you’ll read about crazy concoctions and consuming large amounts of things like:
- White wine vinegar
- Baking powder
- Cranberry juice
- And various types of acidic juice removing drug metabolites.
It’s a popular thing to perpetuate as fact on places like Reddit.
The King of the home remedies though is called the Certo detox. It’s also called the Sure Jell detox.
The idea is that the fruit pectin draws cannabis metabolites to the bowel. The amount of liquid flushes metabolites out through the bladder as well.
Then, you take creatine and a multivitamin to balance your urine both in composition and color.
The problem with it is it’s nonsense. It can’t get rid of all the metabolites, and because it has to work in the 24 hours leading up to your test, even if it flushes out enough to create a gap during which you would be able to produce clean urine, it’s unlikely to remain the case until you submit your sample.
Plus, your urine will be diluted, and the idea that a bit of creatine and a multivitamin will maintain the balance that wouldn’t be spotted by professional drug testing company is just ridiculous.
- Do not rely on home remedies
- No home remedies work
- Certo detox does not eradicate all cannabis metabolites
- You cannot cut corners on cost
Strategies To Pass A Drug Screen
I’ve talked about strategies to beat a drug test, but what exactly do we mean?
There are three types of urine drug test scrutiny you could face:
- Unsupervised drug test (nobody in the room)
- Supervised drug test (someone in the room)
- Observed drug test (watching you urinate)
Drug tests will always be unsupervised unless you are notified in advance, or face an unusual circumstance, like after a court hearing.
The type of observation on you will dictate the strategies you can use to try and beat the screening using high-quality products.
The strategies you have are as follows:
- Submit a fake sample
- Mask toxins in your urine or saliva
- Get genuinely clean fast
Now, based on the information off just given you, let’s tell you exactly how to pass a drug screen any of the main four types of test: urine, saliva, hair, and blood.
How To Pass A Urine Drug Test
You are most likely to face a urine drug test, so let’s cover passing that type of drug screening first and in detail.
You have the following three strategies to pass urine drug tests.
1. Use synthetic urine
For an unsupervised drug test, which most are, then your best strategy is simply to use high-quality synthetic urine that’s submitted within the correct temperature range for human urine (legal samples are at between 90°F and 100°F).
The only product you should be considering using is called Quick Luck. I’m recommending it for the following key reasons:
- Best product on the market
- Most complex formula (14 compounds found in urine)
- Contains right amounts of creatinine, urea, uric acid
- Is balanced for pH and specific gravity within the correct range
- Looks, froths, and smells just like real urine
It’s complex enough to pass validity checks, and will even pass curious human scrutiny.
Plus, it will let you submit it within the correct temperature range with ease. It uses something called heat activator powder to achieve that.
It’s a white, odorless powder. You tap in about one quarter to the premixed urine, and shake it gently until it’s dissolved (is undetectable).
Each time you do this it will raise the temperature slightly. Wait about 30 seconds and then repeat with small amounts until you get it within the correct temperature range, then tuck it into your underwear and go in and submit it.
2. Use a detox drink
If the test is supervised then the best strategy at short notice for drug testing is to use a high-quality detox drink.
Rescue Cleanse is the detox drink I would recommend:
- You don’t need additional water with it, and it can keep you clean for several hours.
- Simply drink the contents of the bottle and then urinate as frequently as you can over the next hour.
- This process alongside the contents of the drink will push out far more toxins in that time than can be achieved naturally.
This leaves a gap in the flow of toxins into your urine during which time fresh urine will be balanced and free of drug metabolites.
Note that a detox drink is only a masking agent though. It doesn’t permanently detox you; it just creates a gap while keeping your urine within the correct composition ranges.
3. Detox pills (and combo method)
Your third option to pass a drug test is to actually get clean to do it. To do this at an accelerated rate, you’ll need high-quality detox pills called Toxin Rid.
Toxin Rid is available in course lengths from one day through to 10, and can speed up the removal of toxins from the body at up to 60% faster than can be achieved naturally.
Even a regular user who would take a week to get clean could be clean in just two or three days using the pills. Always get a course length that fits the time you have available before your drug test.
Even if you’ve only got a couple of days before your test, and you have a 24-hour course in stock, then you can use it and benefit. This will significantly reduce the flow of toxins just before you submit your sample.
Then, you can mask the rest with Rescue Cleanse detox drink. This combo strategy gives Rescue Cleanse the best chance of masking the toxins in your body for several hours.
In summary:
- Use Toxin Rid pills
- Pick the course length matches your usage
- Always have these pills in stock
- Also get Rescue Cleanse to mask remaining metabolites
How To Pass A Blood Drug Test
Blood testing is rare. The reason is simple: you have to have specialist training to extract the blood and test it.
So it’s only used where there are specialist facilities, like at-large police stations or court, or a doctors. Or if you are sent to a specialist drug testing company.
But because of those things, and the fact that drug metabolites don’t hang around in blood for very long, it’s really not cost efficient. You’ll catch more people and get a better picture with urine testing.
If you really need to try and get drug metabolites out of your body to pass a certain blood test, then a short course (1 – 3 days) of Toxin Rid pills will be enough for your needs.
How To Pass A Saliva Drug Test
Although drug metabolites don’t hang around in your saliva for long, it’s a drug screen you need to be aware of because it can be dangerous.
It’s immediacy which is the problem. A police officer can mouth swab you on the roadside. You could be tested right after a job interview, or by a doctor. There’s minimal training involved and it’s cheap to do.
But you don’t have to worry about how to pass a mouth swab test in 12 hours, by removing toxins, when you can simply use something called Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum instead.
- Even with someone in the room with you, you can discreetly put the small capsule of concentrated mouthwash into your mouth.
- Then, pop the capsule with your mouth shut, and use your tongue to work it around the gumline and bottom of your mouth for about 60 seconds.
- Swallow the lot to leave your mouth untraceably clean.
You’ll have neutralized saliva up to 15 minutes, and as long as you don’t swallow very often, the liquid will keep attaching to drug metabolites in fresh saliva to change the shape of them and stop them being detectable on the drug test.
Click here to read more about beating an oral drug test with saliva neutralizing products.
Here’s Where To Buy The Products You Need
I hope this has been helpful to you in learning the truth about passing a drug screen, especially at short notice.
Let’s finish now by telling you where to buy the products I’ve talked about:
- Quick Luck synthetic urine is available to buy from Clear Choice, through the test negative website.
- Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available to buy from Clear Choice, through the test negative website.
- Toxin Rid pills are available to buy from Test Clear, through their website.
- Oral Clear is available to buy from Clear Choice, again, through test negative website.
(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)