Pass Any Urine Analysis Easily

Does synthetic still urine work to pass a drug test? It’s a big question, because if it doesn’t then you’re wasting your time and you’ll get caught. But you can use fake urine for drug test success, and I’m going to tell you exactly how right now.

As well as talking about the brands of fake urine to avoid. I going to cover everything you need to know in the next five minutes. I’ll tell you exactly what the characteristics of fake urine need to be to pass a modern drug test.

I’ll give you the instructions you need to ensure that you pass a drug test using fake pee, and I’ll also do detailed synthetic urine reviews of the best three brands, and the worst brands that you should avoid.

Does Synthetic Urine Work To Pass A Drug Test

Let’s clear up some misconceptions right at the start of this guide. Does synthetic urine works to pass a drug test, yes it does.

But only if the following criteria are met:

  • You smuggle it in without getting caught
  • It’s complex enough to pass the validity checks
  • You submit it within the correct temperature range for human urine
  • It doesn’t go through a full composition analysis
  • It’s an unsupervised drug test

Now that may seem like a lot, but don’t worry. You can address most of those with the quality of the urine, and how you use it.

The validity checks are usually very basic, as I’ll explain later and a full composition analysis (gas chromatography – mass spectrometry) is even rarer, and usually only done after a retest failure.

Plus, most drug tests are unsupervised. You’ll know if it’s going to be supervised because you’ll be told in advance. If it’s a retest you will be supervised. If it’s for probation or other specific purposes it will be supervised. Mostly though, nobody will be in the room with you, or you’ll at least be behind a screen and unobserved.

The Minimum Characteristics Needed For Fake Urine To Work

So to get synthetic urine working, it has to have some specific characteristics to ensure it gets through the stages of analysis it will encounter.

The stages of analysis are as follows:

  1. It’s temperature will be checked within two minutes of handing the sample over. It has to be between 90°F and 100°F be legal.
  2. The sample then goes through basic validity checks. These are really basic and more focused on looking for adulterants and issues than to spot any characteristics of fake urine. Therefore, they don’t look for many chemicals found in human urine, usually only creatinine, and occasionally urea or uric acid.
  3. The sample then goes through a full urinalysis to spot drugs. The composition, so the urinalysis is irrelevant for spotting fake urine.

To get through all that, synthetic urine doesn’t have to be that complex, but it does have to have the following characteristics:

  • Balanced for pH this this and specific gravity
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Has the physical characteristics of urine
  • Has a reliable heat maintenance method

The problem is that most synthetic urine brands don’t even tick all those basic boxes. Although you’ll read that these brands pass, a lot of those reviews are fake or you’ll be shown older reviews mostly, when they could have passed due to drug testing be more basic.

Just to mention the physical characteristics here. People scrutinizing whether the urine looks like urine, froths like it, or smells like that, is getting rarer with digital eCup analysis that the big companies like Concentra and LabCorp are increasingly doing because it saves them money with less people being involved.

But if someone does get suspicious, a trained eye and nose could spot fake urine unless it looks, froths, and smells like human urine. Again, that rules out 90% of the brands on the market.

Avoid These Low Quality Fake Urine Brands

I’m not going to tell you about four fake urine for drug tests products that don’t really work any more.

You might be surprised by the names on this list, as they are some of the biggest ones. So let’s dive in and quickly explain why they are not reliable any longer.

1. Monkey Whizz

Monkey Whizz is a name a lot of people are searching synthetic urine have heard of. It’s a silly name but it’s memorable, and it actually refers to a range of products that all contain the same fake urine in them.

Monkey Whizz is a very basic formula. It actually looks like urine, which is a positive. But it doesn’t really smell like it.

It only contains the real basics of urea, uric acid, and creatinine. If the validity checks look for anything else, then Monkey Whizz will fail you.

Bundle that with a very poor quality heatpad in a budget price range, and it should tell you that this is not something that is going to fool a modern drug testing company like Concentra or LabCorp.

2. Quick Fix 6.4 Synthetic Urine

Quick Fix has been one of the most popular brands of synthetic urine for 20 years. It comes in two sizes, 2 fluid ounce standard size, and a 3 fluid ounce size called “plus”, but they are identical in composition.

Quick Fix is cheap as well, only costing $40. But is it going to pass a modern drug test for that price?

Quick Fix only contains the real basics I’ve mentioned for Monkey Whizz above. So the answer is probably not.

Also, Quick Fix can look slightly green if you hold it up to the light. In fact, I once saw a YouTube video interview where an ex-lab tech had stated that that’s how they knew how to spot Quick Fix.

So that sort of thing isn’t particularly reassuring, is it? For me, Quick Fix should definitely be avoided.

3. Magnum Urine

just like their detox drinks, Magnum urine is amongst the worst you will find anywhere. It’s basically almost a scam.

In fact, it wasn’t until people realized that it didn’t contain uric acid about five or six years ago that they even started to include it. They didn’t reformulate it though, they just started including a small vial of uric acid for you to pour in.

So it’s another step preparation, alongside having to heat it and then maintain the temperature.

When you also consider that they knew it needed to be in there, but didn’t bother until people noticed, then it tells you about how trustworthy this product is.

4. XStream

XStream another well-known brand of fake urine that will probably let you down in a modern drug test.

Just like the others above, and many other cheap brands out there, it suffers from not quite looking convincingly like urine.

It also has the same basic characteristics. It’s not going to get through any sort of advanced validity check.

Plus, it has the same Achilles’ heel of a poor quality and cheap heatpad. It can work, and if you keep the sample tucked against your skin and it’s a warm climate that you live in, then it can be just enough heat to kick it up into the right temperature range, but otherwise it can fail or struggle badly.

Buying It Locally: Synthetic Urine Walgreens Or Walmart?

Whichever brand you choose to buy, can you buy it locally and get good value that will pass a drug test?

People do that search for things like synthetic urine Walgreens, or Walmart, or look for online for rapid delivery from a big retailer or marketplace like Amazon.

Let me just tell you with 100% certainty here so there’s no confusion. You cannot buy good quality urine from any of those places.

Anything available locally is usually overpriced, and will be the awful brands I’ve just described above. Buy top quality online from specialist retailers and prepare for your test by getting one in stock now.

The Four Key Reasons Why Fake Pee Fails A Drug Test

Before I talk you through the top three best synthetic urine for Concentra or any other type of lab success, I want to explain to you the main for reasons why fake urine can fail a test. That way, you can see how all of the cheap brands will let you down.

1. Temperature

Within two minutes of doing the sample and handing over it has to be checked for its temperature. To allow for a little cooling, any sample between 90°F and 100°F is legal.

Lacing the sample against your skin tucked into your crotch will actually bring it quite close to 90°F, unless you are in a cold environment.

So the heatpads that come with most fake urine brands are very gentle, and just kick out a small but steady heat for a couple of hours or so (some brands claim up to eight hours but I’ve never seen this actually happen) to help lift it those last few degrees.

But in a cold environment, or if you haven’t positioned it correctly, or if the heatpad just fails in some way, then it leaves you high and dry with nothing you can do.

This is why a heatpad failure is the biggest reason why people using fake urine fail their drug test.

2. Physical Characteristics

When we talk about physical characteristics of synthetic urine, we are talking about it looking, frothing, smelling like urine.

The smell can be done artificially. Albumin, which makes human urine froth is usually included in good brands for the same purpose.

In terms of looking like urine, it has to be a color and clarity which will not arouse suspicion, even when it’s held up to the light.

What’s actually incredible is that only a handful of brands on the market actually achieve all three of those, and none of the budget brands do.

3. Chemical Composition

Synthetic urine doesn’t have to be highly complex to pass a drug test. It’s only going to face basic validity checks, that actually look more for adulterated human urine than fake urine traits.

Most validity checks will look for creatinine levels, pH and specific gravity ranges, and sometimes urea and uric acid.

Very occasionally they might look for something else, like amino acid levels, minerals, albumin, something like that. But it’s not very common.

But the more complex the fake urine composition is, the more chance that it won’t be spotted during those validity checks, no matter how invasive they are.

Top 2 Best Synthetic Urine Products For A Drug Test

So now you understand what fake urine needs to consist of to pass a drug test, and the brands you should avoid, let’s talk about the good guys who have all of the characteristics required, and then some, to pass a modern drug test.

1. Clear Choice Quick Luck

Top of the tree is Quick Luck, made by Clear Choice. It’s simply the best fake urine you can buy.

It’s expensive, but you get what you pay for because it covers all your bases. Simply nothing out there that compares to it fully.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • Looks, froths, smells like human urin
  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Pre-mixed for instant use
  • Contains right proportions of urea and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad for temperature maintenance

So what you’re getting is the most complex urine that will pass those validity checks:

  • Even if they look for chemicals that aren’t usually looked for.
  • It will even fool a professional who looks at its physical characteristics.
  • it’s that realistic in how it looks, froths, and smells.
  • It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad. This is a crucial point which sets Quick Luck and the second best synthetic urine apart from the rest.

Clear Choice Quick Luck uses something called heat activator powder rather than a heatpad.

On arrival, just before you go into the building to submit your sample, tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder and shake it until it’s fully dissolved. It is undetectable in a drug test, so don’t worry.

The heat activator powder will increase the heat slightly. So you can repeat the process with a little more until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.

Then, simply tuck the sample into your underwear to keep it warm, and go in and submit it in about 15 minutes.

If you want to prep up in advance, it also comes with two very high quality heatpads. Simply stick one to each side, and even if one fails, it will still warm the temperature up slightly, leaving less work for the heat activator powder to do.

Put all of that together, and Quick Luck gives you the absolute best chance of passing by being the most complex on the market, by having the characteristics to fool professionals, and it gives you complete control over the temperature sample.

2. Sub Solution Powdered Urine Kit

Sub Solution is also made by Clear Choice, and is actually the predecessor to Quick Luck.

The only differences are as follows:

  • It’s a powder and not premixed
  • Formula is slightly less complex
  • It doesn’t come with optional heatpads

The big difference is the fact that it’s a powder that you’ll have to hydrate. You just need some filtered water, from a jug filter them that lots of people have at home. It takes about one minute to do this.

Then, it’s exactly the same as using Quick Luck. You use the heat activator powder on arrival in order to raise the temperature.

Sub Solution doesn’t come with heatpads, so in a cold environment you couldn’t give the liquid a head start. But putting it close to your body, and wearing for clothing, that shouldn’t really be a problem anyway.

But overall, Sub Solution stands almost identical chance of passing a drug test and Quick Luck, it’s just slightly less easy to use.

What’s The Best Synthetic Urine For Concentra Drug Tests?

Whether you are facing Concentra or LabCorp tests, or indeed any other professional drug test, then the standards are always going to be pretty similar.

  • The procedure
  • drug cut-off detection levels
  • how the post test process is handled
  • the differences are minor, even for DoT testing.

Any of the three best synthetic urine for lab tests products that I’ve just talked to you about will be more than good enough to pass that important drug test.

Also, note again that the question around does Concentra test for synthetic urine is a false question. They don’t specifically look for it, and as long as the urine has all the traits needed, it will not be spotted.

Where To Buy Top Quality Synthetic Urine

Let’s finish this guide and synthetic urine reviews by telling you that synthetic urine does still work.

However, you have to choose a top brand in order to maximize your chances of passing that test.

Here’s where you can buy the products you need:

  1. Quick Luck can be bought from Clear Choice. It costs $100 through their web store at test negative.
  2. Sub Solution can also be bought direct from Clear Choice. It’s slightly cheaper at $85, but you do have the downside of it being a powder rather than premixed liquid.

(This article is part of DMCL Consumer Connect Initiative, a paid publication programme. DMCL claims no editorial involvement and assumes no responsibility, liability or claims for any errors or omissions in the content of the article. The DMCL Editorial team is not responsible for this content.)

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