How To Cycle And Stack It, MK-677 Benefits and Where To Buy

In this complete MK-677 guide I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about this potentially potent muscle builder, including all of the MK-677 benefits you can gain.

But MK-677 is so much more than a compound for bulking you up. Not many people know just how good this stuff is, and instead only focus on androgenic SARMs.

You’re going to learn all of the MK-677 benefits, and results you can expect. I’ll talk about dosing it, including the correct MK-677 dosage for beginners (dosage range).

But I’ll also cover stacking MK-677 for more potent muscle building, along with the length of cycle you should be using, and more detail on where to buy MK-677 online that’s safe and potent.

If you’re impatient to check out where you can buy high-quality MK-677 before we get started, then this isthe online specialist I buy my SARMs from:

>>>>> Chemyo MK-677 Liquid SARM <<<<<

How Does MK-677 Work?

MK-677 works as a growth hormone secretagogue. In simple terms it means it stimulates the production of human growth hormone (HGH) in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.

It does this by interacting with something called ghrelin, which is a receptor found in the gut that is responsible for appetite, fat depositing, and the release of growth hormone in the body.

Not only does it elevate levels of this key growth hormone, but elevating HGH also then spikes the production of Insulin Growth Factor -1 (IGF-1). This hormone is responsible for how HGH is used, and together they produce a significant range of benefits generally, and specifically for those of us looking to bulk up and increase our strength.

MK-677 Benefits & Expected Results (After One Cycle And After Several)

So what sort of results can expect after a cycle? What are the main MK-677 benefits?

Let’s talk first about the general benefits you can get from using MK-677. Here’s a snapshot:

  • Improved sleep
  • Stronger appetite
  • Enhanced muscle development
  • Increased bulk
  • More efficient fat burning
  • Increasing bone density
  • Neuroprotective properties
  • Anti-ageing properties

As you can see, the list of general benefits is really strong. But when you mix that with the increased levels of IGF-1 working in synergy, then in terms of bodybuilding benefits, you get the following list:

  • Stronger and larger muscle growth
  • Increased protein synthesis in muscle tissue
  • Stronger and denser bone growth
  • Glucose uptake regulation
  • Increased metabolism
  • Prevention of programmed cell death (apoptosis)
  • Neuroprotective long-term benefits

All of the above are the exact reasons why people are being given HGH therapy already. This is artificial growth hormone that does exactly the same thing as MK-677 does, but directly rather than indirectly in the way that MK-677 does by interacting with the ghrelin receptor.

So after one cycle of this, you’re going to have larger and stronger muscle growth. There will be some water, and you will have watery gains, but underneath it is significantly better than natural muscle growth.

You’ll have more energy through the glucose uptake regulation, and increased metabolism will allow you to eat more as well, so you will bulk up faster.

After several cycles, you’ll have stronger bones, a stronger frame, and generally increased strength on top of all that.

And regular cycles over many years could even bring neuroprotective health benefits, and help with longevity through lowering programmed cell death.

Is MK-677 A SARM?

As you now know, MK-677 works as a growth hormone secretagogue, spiking levels of growth hormone and indirectly IGF-1 to derive a significant range of benefits.

But MK-677 isn’t a SARM though. It is not a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator. Literally, it is not selectively activating androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue and modulating the messages.

So it isn’t androgenic or anabolic in its mechanism of action at all. It doesn’t interact with those receptors, it doesn’t mimic testosterone, it won’t affect your sex drive, it won’t have any effect at all.

So why is it called a SARM? Basically, it’s just easy for the people selling these bodybuilding compounds to lump together with androgenic SARMs and refer to them all as SARMs.

The Research Chemicals Which Are SARMs & Those Which Aren’t

Let’s clarify what the main androgenic SARMs are, those which interact with androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue telling them to grow stronger and larger:

  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • S-4 Andarine
  • S-23
  • YK-11 Myostatin
  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • AC-262

Note that derivatives made for legal purposes are basically the same, for example RAD-150, LGD-4, and LGD-3303.

Most people will tell you the Ostarine and YK-11 are not androgenic. That’s not fully true. They are both only very mild agonists of the androgen receptor, but do have an effect there.

These are the research chemicals called SARMs, which have a different mechanism of action entirely:

  • MK-677 Ibutamoren (growth hormone secretagogue)
  • GW-501516 Cardarine (PPAR Delta Modulator)
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic (Rev-Erb agonist)

So as you can see, there are several chemicals which are commonly used in SARMs stacks, which are not androgenic at all, and MK-677 is one of them.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Pure SARMs Online <<<<<

How To Take MK-677

There are basically three ways to take MK-677:

  1. As a powder you can mix with liquid and then consume it orally. This isn’t very efficient or nice to deal with though. It’s the cheapest way of getting SARMs, but you cannot rely on the dose as you are taking.
  2. The easiest way is sublingual dropper bottles. This is where the raw powder is suspended in a carrier liquid, and you drip it under your tongue and let it dissolve until it’s absorbed. This is the most easy and affordable mix, in terms of using SARMs.
  3. The third method is to inject MK-677 using specially created products, or mixing the raw powder with an injectable sterile carrier liquid. I would only advise you do this if you buy professional products though, and not to attempt it yourself.

MK-677 Dosage For Beginners & Experienced Users

MK-677 dosage range is not set in stone, and there is no official range because everyone is different and it’s never been through full human trials for any purpose to get to that point.

However, anecdotally, doses of between 10 mg and 30 mg daily are most frequently used. The higher end is used by experienced users, and people using it on its own, while at the lower end it’s more likely to be stacked with other SARMs.

If you’re just starting out, if this is your first time, then I recommend a MK-677 dosage for beginners of 10 mg per day, taken every morning. This is especially the case if you are using it as a stack with other compounds.

On its own, first time out, beginners dose could be pushed to 15 mg per day, but I wouldn’t go higher than that until you see how your body reacts to it.

There is no right time to take MK-677 each day either. You’ll only need to dose it once per day though, as it has a long half life, so I’d advise you just to take it first thing in the morning every day you are using it.

How To Stack MK-677 For Massive Gains

As with all SARMs, stacking MK-677 is the best to get massive gains, and ensure you getting the most out of all the compounds by using them simultaneously.

Because MK-677 isn’t androgenic, you could create a muscle building SARMs stack that barely hits the androgen receptors at all, like this:

  • 10 mg MK-677
  • 10 mg YK-11
  • 10 mg GW-501516

What you’re getting there is massive muscle growth with minimal androgenic interference. Underpinning it is the Cardarine which will give you a significant energy boost throughout the day which will help with both workout and recovery.

I’d run that cycle for 10 weeks and then break for six weeks before doing another SARMs cycle.

You can also mix MK-677 with androgenic SARMs to hit those receptors and build muscle tissue that way as well, but also minimize the testosterone drop you’ll experience:

  • Androgenic SARMs dose (maybe 10 mg RAD-140)
  • 10 mg MK-677
  • 10 mg GW-501516 or SR9009

The above will be basically the same in terms of strength and what you can achieve, but you’ll be building incredible muscle growth not only through growth hormone increases but also through the messages being sent to the androgen receptors in your muscle and bone tissue.

What Is The Correct MK-677 Cycle Length?

There is no “right” MK-677 cycle length, because we simply don’t have any study evidence to draw firm conclusions from.

SARMs cycles usually last between 8 and 12 weeks, depending on testosterone depletion during that time. There’s no reason why you couldn’t use MK-677 for 12 weeks straight because there won’t be any.

One study on geriatric patients used MK-677 for 6 months at doses of approaching 30 mg per day, with no side effects ofany note observed.

I think it depends on what you’re using it for. If this is a bodybuilding thing for you, then higher doses for shorter periods in stacks is the way to go.

If you’re looking at the metabolism neuroprotective side of things more, then lower doses on a potentially ongoing basis could be for you, but be very careful with knowing about side effects.

Although side effects are mild, the main one is water retention. This goes within a couple of weeks of finishing a cycle of MK-677 and isn’t a problem for most people.

But ongoing use of MK-677 that produces significant water retention in a person who has a pre-existing heart condition or cardiovascular system problem, could cause stress that can create real problems there.

If you’re aiming to use it for the long term, I would definitely make sure you are checked out and are healthy before you begin.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Pure SARMs Online <<<<<

MK-677 Vs HGH Therapy

HGH therapy is a prescribed route that people are put down if they are suffering with the effects of low levels of growth hormone production.

This is particularly prevalent in older people, when metabolism has slowed down, bone density is lowering, muscle strength is diminishing, and cognitive decline has set in.

MK-677 offers a better route than HGH therapy though, and many studies are coming to that conclusion.

It’s easier to administer, has a longer half life, produces the same effects, and is cheaper.

So if you’re considering actual HGH therapy to help with your bodybuilding or strength, or anything I’ve just mentioned, then consider MK-677 as a far better and cheaper alternative.

MK-677 Reviews: What To Watch Out For

MK-677, like other SARMs, isn’t a wonder potion. You need to back it up with hard work to get significant gains.

So when you see positive MK-677 reviews, just take a step back and ensure that the user review you are reading seems genuine.

MK-677 is potent and significant, and like most SARMs, it can really help you if you work hard, have the right diet, and stack your SARMs and workout with discipline.

Where To Buy MK-677 Ibutamoren

MK-677 benefits can be significant, but only if you get your hands on genuinely high-purity MK-677 in the first place to experiment with.

Chemyo offer a fantastic range of high-purity SARMs at great prices. They sell them in larger 50 mL dropper bottles as well.

Right now, liquid MK-677 from Chemyo costs just $69.99 for a 50 mL dropper bottle that is dosed at 25 mg per milligram.




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