The story behind the apology

By Rod Mickleburgh At long last, a formal apology has been delivered in the House of Commons for Canada’s racist behaviour in its shameful treatment of Sikh passengers aboard the Komagata Maru, who had the effrontery to seek immigration to the West Coast more than a hundred years ago. Not only were they denied entry, they … Read more

The fish hotel

By Nicholas Heather One time, me and the kids had a fish hotel. It was my idea. My original idea. For some reason we’d acquired a 20-gallon fish tank. Of course, the kids wanted to get fish. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, you guys,” I said, as we were discussing what I was … Read more

NATO finds gaping holes in Europe’s defence

The war in Ukraine and the looming U.S. presidential election dominated a NATO summit in Washington this month but, away from the public stage, the alliance’s military planners have been focused on assessing the enormous cost of fixing Europe‘s creaking defences. NATO leaders agreed plans last year for the biggest overhaul in three decades of … Read more