Rachel Reeves expected to reveal £20bn shortfall in public finances | Rachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves is expected to reveal a £20bn hole in government spending for essential public services on Monday, paving the way for potential tax rises in the autumn budget. Labour sources said the blame lay with the Tory government, describing it as a “shocking inheritance” and accusing the former chancellor of “presiding over a black … Read more

Netanyahu is presiding over a sharp decline in the US’s pro-Israel consensus | Eli Clifton

Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech before a joint session of the House and Senate may look like a political victory: the prime minister of a foreign country speaking before Congress, only interrupted by multiple standing ovations. But the political events serving as a backdrop for the speech reveal Netanyahu’s political career, and the bipartisan pro-Israel consensus in … Read more

Array identifies suppressed genes associated with disease

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a panel that assesses the methylation levels of genes located in imprint control regions (ICRs) within the human genome. The array represents a cost-effective and efficient method to explore potential links between environmental exposures and epigenetic dysregulation during the early developmental origins of disease and behavioral disorders. … Read more

Blizzard is looking to bring 6v6 back to Overwatch, but it won’t be easy

Blizzard Entertainment has unveiled plans to begin testing for the potential return of 6v6 matches in Overwatch 2…eventually. The update on the controversy plaguing the Overwatch community comes from game director Aaron Keller, who posted a 3,600-word Director’s Take blog post on the subject today. It’s a long statement on the history of 6v6, why … Read more

Sheffield engineers increase durability of soft robots

University of Sheffield engineers have developed a new type of valve that could make soft robots more resilient to damage. Soft robots are made of flexible materials that can bend and deform – this makes them suitable for working with humans or operating underwater, in space or even inside the human body as medical tools. … Read more

Firefighters try to save Jasper as fast-moving wildfire hits Canadian resort town | Canada

A fast-moving wildfire has hit the resort town of Jasper, in the Canadian Rockies’ largest national park, causing significant damage and forcing thousands of residents and tourists to flee. Jasper national park officials said the fire entered the southern edge of the town on Wednesday evening and crews were battling multiple structural fires and working … Read more